Monday, October 6, 2008

my son

Here is a picture of a robot that my 4 year old son made by himself out of blocks, this is something new for him to actually take the time to build something out of blocks. Before he was on the restricted diet he wasn't interested in building things out of blocks, or drawing or painting and so with him being on this diet has helped. Even the pre-school that he has been attending has been helping him to try to play with other things, and try to use his imagination which I know he has a very good one (right Julie??). Lol! I just had to share this picture with you :)!
Incase you were wondering Julie Ethan has NOT forgotten about the space suits :p! *GACK*, just noticed what he was doing when I took this picture...sigh and I didn't notice it until I posted this picture. Lol, just don't get boys sometimes !!



Deborah March said...

HEY! Way to GO Ethan!!