Here are some pictures that I took at one of our playdates we had on Friday, it was a good day :)! This picture is of my friends daughter who is just a little bit older than my dd, and we decided to play outside in their backyard since it was so nice out.

My dd, distracted her from the picture I was trying to gotta be fast when taking pictures of this age group I found.

Here is my son E* coming over to see what D* is doing in the sandbox, I think there might have been a bug or something that she wanted him to see. She isn't a fan of bugs, after a bad experience with one last summer which I was there for at another one of our playdates...

Here D* is watching me take pictures of our playdate outside :)!

Caught D* daydreaming, I just LOVE this shot of her...she had just basically woken up from her nap and wasn't quite with it just yet.

Here is my dd, trying to blow bubbles and she can't seem to get any bubbles to come out of the bubble wand. They would come out but pop as they were coming off the wand...look at the effort she is putting into blowing.

Here is my handsome oldest child, he could get the bubbles to come out which frustrated his little sister to no end.

D* wanted me to take her picture over by the Forsythia bush on the side of their house, but in the end here is the face she gave me when I took her picture. Lol, doesn't she look so thrilled to have her picture taken???

Here is a picture I took just before we went outside of the two best buds, LOVE these two pictures too :D! Lol, I think that is the happiest I have seen my middle son be in a long time...what an amazing day we had.

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