My middle guy turns 5 years old tomorrow, but we have a busy day so we thought he could open the gifts that he recieved in the mail this morning after breakfast. He opened up my my sister in laws, brother inlaw and family gift to him, and it was a wonderful Superman sun hat. He was so thrilled, going to have to find out if my sister in law made it or if she got it from a craft/farmers market :)! He LOVES the hat, am starting to wonder if he will take it off :p!

Here he is opening other gifts with his cool Superman hat on, he is saying "hi G* and H*" his two cousins who gave him the hat. I tried to get him to say Aunt Alissa and Uncle Scott too, but he wasn't going for that at all...I was lucky I got anything out of him.

The next picture is of him opening up Aunt Erin, Uncle D's and baby L*'s gift...boy was he happy with his own bag of Twizzlers and also a kite. He told his older brother he could have his "Bumble Bee" (transformer kite), so he could use his new kite...with that everyone was happy :)!
Inky Hugs,
The hat is cute and perfect for summer.
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