Tonight we had some "Peaches and Cream" corn, and I thought the way my dd was eating it had to be photographed to share with you all :)! We find that "Peaches and Cream" corn is the BEST corn on the cob to get, it is so sweet and juicy you can never go wrong with it...where as the other kinds out there aren't as nice or juicy.

We don't have those corn holders that most people have, so we improvised and used small forks for the kids to use. She get's right into it, she's not afraid to get all buttery or or covered with corn...

Sadly, I couldn't take anymore pictures after this one because my camera's battery diet and so I was lucky to even get the pics I got. These cobs weren't small either, and she finished hers off no problem.
Inky Hugs,
Too funny. She's totally focused!
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