This afternoon I decided the kids should play outside since it was a beautiful warm sunny (buggy) day, so I thought it would also be a great time to take pictures of them while they were playing. I just HAD to share these pictures with you all, especially since there are some grandparents who come on here from afar wanting to see their grandkids.Here is
my little weed whacker :p! She thinks they are the most prettiest flowers ever, and how convenient that they just happen to grow EVERYWHERE. "Look mommy, more mommy !!"

This picture I took of my middle child looking through a Little Tykes car window, turned out pretty neat eh?? He was playing in the water in the back of the little car, seeing what things would float and what didn't.

I just couldn't resist taking a close up of him through the same window, what a handsome fella :)! The best part is he had a pretty good day today, which is really nice to have on a sunny day.

Lol, my dd was making a funny face at me since she knew what I was upto...I just wanted to get a picture of her holding out her flowers. I got that too, but I also got this silly face too which she thought was funny later when I showed her.

Since she was the most co-operative out of the 3, I stuck with her for this photo op and her big brother wanted nothing to do with it.

Darn it all, she found more dandylions...going to have to show her how to pick them properly :p! Determined little girl she is :)! The next sequence of pictures I took will show you just how determined she is...

See I told ya :p!

My son wanted to sit on my lap and swing with me, so I took a picture of him by leani
ng way back and having him hold on tight onto the swings ropes. I LOVE this picture of him :)!

Here is my new pro swinger, once she is on it she just wants to keep on swinging...mind you she also wants you to keep on pushing her. "High as a sky mommy, High as a sky!" is what she says to me when she wants another push :)!

Here is the last picture I took for the afternoon, since I had to go in and make some supper :)!
Inky Hugs,
They are too cute!!! :0)
Cute...just wait until she learns to swing herself! Sam has it figured out, but still wants me to push her :)
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