So I am now working hard to finish 110 wedding invites for a good friend of mine, however last night I ran into a bit trouble. Why you ask?? There are small panels on the sides of the invites, she wanted to put her wedding date one side and a beautiful poem on the otherside.

So I printed them out on Vellum, got special adhesive glue, and went to's the kicker!! Last night as I was doing the next step of the invitations, I noticed that some of the invitations had what looked like a smudge on them but I knew it wasn't a smudge. I thought perhaps the glue was thicker in other places, but I honestly sprayed lightly and didn't go all crazy...either way it didn't look good at all :(! Then I thought may be if I let them dry longer that it would go away, yeah that didn't happen!! I have to redo 25 more invitations since something went horribly wrong with the adhesive spray glue I used. I am almost done those 25 invitations now, but thought I would share with you what I have been doing :). At the same sad moment, I realized I didn't have enough Vellum to do the other panel...this isn't good...going to have to slow down and breath. Don't suppose anyone knows how to also take off the 3M brand of adhesive spray off of hands??? If so please leave me a message, as I have tried just about everything and my hands still have lots of glue on :p!
I think the other problem is that I am axious about our appointment tomorrow, it is waying kind of heavily on me just because of how the last appointment went with the same doctor. However, this time I am coming with back up :D! My Early Interventionist will be there, plus I have short video clips, pictures AND my son is OFF his diet again since we really need this doctor to see how he is off the diet. Plus, the Neurologist whom we goto see next Thursday wants to see him off the diet as after that appointment we will be putting him right back on his diet :)!
To answer a question which I am sure some of you might be wondering, yes this diet is ESSENTIAL in my son's life because it is like night and day with him being on or off his diet He goes from being very verbal to almost nothing, the volume he uses to speak at goes way up almost hollering (it is because he can hear the background noises you or I tune out), his clothes bother him more and the list goes on and on. He knows these foods that he can't have affect him, he tells m
e when a food really bothers him...he says "Mommy, don't ever give me that food again cuz' it makes me go crazy!"
Will keep you posted as to what happens tomorrow at the appointment, it is happening at 9 a.m. and I just want to get it done with...

Good luck with the appointment! :0)
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