Lol, this was too cute... myself and my dh were making French toast and eggs for brekkie on Saturday morning it is kind of a every Saturday morning thing but sometimes we switch the French toast for Pancakes. Anyways, my oldest came in to the kitchen and lay down in the middle of the kitchen on a thing we knew the other two came in and laid down on top of him. We called it the Kitchen pile up or the E* sandwich, believe me it didn't last long at all!!
(Warning put down your drinks and swallow before proceeding)
Later on this same day, I made some yummy chicken rice soup with veggies for lunch. While I was making this soup, my son E* hurt his finger and got a cut on it. So he got a band-aide by himself, put the band-aide on himself and left the wrapper on the table. It finally was lunch time, when E* decided that he didn't like the smell of the soup I made ( yet he has had this soup 100's of times before and wasn't bothered by it).
He just couldn't handle sitting there smelling the soup, so he left the table for a few minutes and came back looking like this. He thought outside the box, and developed this nose plug himself and then was able to eat his soup. He literally scotch taped this band-aide wrapper onto his face and it worked enough for him, and then he had no troubles eating his lunch. He did the same thing yesterday for something he didn't like the smell of, but this time instead of using the wrapper of the band-aide he used the actual band-aide.
Inky Hugs,
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