Wednesday, November 25, 2009

bad blogger again here

I know I am such a bad blogger lately, but here is my reason for the past week and this week as well...I am getting ready to do one of the BIGGEST things I have ever done in my life. Not only am I a full time stay at home mom of 3 beautiful children, but now am working on a side project that involves being an advocate for all Special Needs children or children with Learning disabilities in HRM. Yep, I know a big job and yes I am crazy :p! Not to worry I am not taking this task on by myself, I have a friend named Laura Campbell who is a parent of a Autistic girl who is in grade 4 at my son's school.

Tonight we are going to our school board to do a presentation with regards to the lack of:

~Support Services
~Speech Therapy
~Occupational therapy
~Learning Center service

we aren't pointing fingers and we aren't looking for who's at fault. We just would like someone to stand up and say okay how are we going to fix this or start to fix this?? As I said before this is for all children in our city :)! We have been printed up in the newspaper, and are getting a lot of feed back...yes even the people who should really keep their mouths shut are coming out of the wood works to give their thoughts. Will let you know how it goes tomorrow morning...this is going to be an interesting night! We have also started a Facebook page called Choice Words, and not too worry once this presentation is done we aren't done we are moving on to the lovely politicians :D!
On another note I will be having something crafty to post tomorrow for you :)!

Inky Hugs,


Tracy.H said...

I wish you two all the best tonight!! Definitely let us know how things go. Big Hugs! :0)