Parent teacher night went really well last night, they told me they were quite impressed with how much our son has changed from his arrival until now especially with him on his diet. He is now starting to get the hang of letters (picking out the letters in his name, writing his name), numbers, shapes, and colors (patterns) :)! Before going to his preschool, before the diet he wouldnever ever be interested in these things he'd only be interested in balloons, water/sand play, puzzles, bubbles. Now he is painting, coloring, doing some imaginative play, is able to use his words now for how he feels and what is bothering him :)! They feel he is ready for Primary this year ( I am antsy), and we are starting on getting in touch with the school etc. to get the ball rolling to get a team set up for him.
After the parent teacher meeting, I hurried on over to Deborah's place to join a fun night of craftiness with the usual crew and was about half an hour late. We all decided to start something new at ourcrafty nights, we decided to take turns teaching a crafty project and we had to bring our own basic things (glue, tape, ruler, bone folder, scissors etc.). Let me tell you, on the first night the bar had been raised very very high as it was once again last night...I am thinking I should have gone first :p!
So our first project (Val did) I missed, but it was an altered can, and you can pop on over to
Julie's blog to check out her first project which I think it is safe to say is already posted up on her blog right now. I did get the stuff to do my own can, so I will be working on that later today if I have a moment to myself :)!
The second project that Val was teaching us to do was altering a notebook, I haven't altered a notebook the way she did it, just because I never had the patience to or wanted to ruin the notebook. So I was thrilled to be doing it with the gals last night, especially since I had Val sitting right next to me incase I ran into a problem with it :p!
The last project we did was led by Louise, and what an amazing project it was to was an accordian album (I think that is what it was called). I wish I had brought my camera with me last night, because you should have seen the one that she made for being part of a DT at one of our local craft stores. It was gorgeous!!! So here is what I created, I am really looking forward to creating more of these wonderful little albums/book...thank you so much Louise for this project :)!
Here is the inside of the album/book, which some of us had some problems folding up to make into an accordian. Yes, I was one of those people :p!
We also have to bring a card/project with us which the theme is chosen before the next meeting, and the hostess usually chooses the projects theme. Last nights card theme was Spring, then we draw names...the name we draw is the card/project we get to take home. I drew Louises name :)! so here is the card I got to take home with me, I just LOVE her style of card making. I love all the gals style of card making, it is amazing to see how different all our styles of cardmaking is.
We also had some yummy food prepared for us to enjoy by Val and by Kelly, WOW is all I have to say :)! Val made a delicious lemon chiffon treat, Kelly made a maple candy as well as a yummy chocolate brownie (Grand Marnier was in it). Thanks gals for a fun night, I needed it :)!
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